
Girls Night Out

Mon, 2 Oct 2023
from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

by Angela Ong
Posted: 12 months ago
Updated: 12 months ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Reminder: None
Ends: 08:00pm (duration is about 2 hours)

Ladies we will be gathering to work on our fundamentals of Stance, Grip and Aim. We will be using a state of the art training system called LaserHit. Please see more here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUeNn8qwzAE
I have arranged for the use of several 9mm semi-auto firearms on loan from Rob’s Guns. You may use one of these unless you have a 9mm of your own. Unfortunately I only have the 9mm LaserHit cartridge so for this training we will be limited. In live fire next event you can shoot with your firearm of choice and put all you learn into action.
This training will take place in the private event room adjacent to the main Brickhouse entrance just beyond the pool tables.
We will end practice at 8pm and then whoever is able to join us for a bite to eat together we will hang out for roughly another hour at the restaurant. This would be the only portion of our Girls Night Out that would have any cost involved.
Invite other lady friends to come along and join us for this fun evening of learning and getting to know each other!


102 B St Francois Plaza, Leadington, MO 63601, USA


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